Studies performed on triphala suggest that it may have several health benefits, including being antioxidant, antimutagenic, antineoplastic, chemoprotective, radioprotective, and chemopreventive. Furthermore, a recent report reviews the evidence of Triphala for treating and preventing cancer.

Triphala's historical use as a digestive cleanser has been backed up by numerous modern scientific studies.

Triphala churna (powder) is a mild laxative that cleanses and detoxifies the gastrointestinal tract. Triphala is known as a cleaning agent, including a blood cleanser. Because of its high vitamin content, Triphala is often used as a food supplement, similar to how vitamins are used in Western countries. In fact, the benefits of this herb are so well known that a well-known Indian saying goes like this: "You do not have a mother? Don't worry, as long as you have Triphala in your life!" In recent years, a number of research studies have found new uses for this herb, including treatment for various forms of cancer. It is also found to have high antioxidant qualities and is even useful for treatment against noise and stress-induced conditions.

Because of its high nutritional content, Ayurvedic doctors generally do not regard Triphala as a mere laxative. Some of the scientific research and practical experience of people who have used it down through the ages have demonstrated that Triphala is an effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver, helps digestion and assimilation, and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels throughout the body. As a result, it is regarded as a kind of universal panacea and is the most commonly prescribed herbal formula.

Benefits of Triphala

Triphala has been found to act as a complete body cleanser. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, but it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. Other cleansing benefits of Triphala include reducing some forms of cholesterol (serum cholesterol) and reducing high blood pressure.

Triphala is categorized as a purgative form of laxative. Purgative preparations are often needed by people who have certain degrees of liver and gall bladder congestion. As Triphala is known as a cleaning agent, including a blood cleanser, the herb is very beneficial for these people. The herb also has a high nutritional value, including high levels of vitamin C.

Triphala, said to contain three different 'fruits,' is well known in ancient Indian folklore and is widely used by natural healers experienced in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, which literally translates to 'long life practice.' The fruits, Harade, Amla, and Behada, relate to the three sections or 'humors' of Indian medicine. Harade, which is bitter-tasting, is best known for its laxative qualities as well as being an astringent and antispasmodic. Amla, which is high in Vitamin C (20 times more than citrus fruit), is sour-tasting and is considered good for inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Because of its high vitamin content, Triphala is often used as a food supplement, similar to how vitamins are used in Western countries.

Triphala is beneficial for various health conditions, including constipation, diarrhea, eye cleansing, detoxing the colon, Kapha conditions, gas, distention, diabetes, and parasites. Some more benefits include:

  • Feeling pure, light & revitalized
  • Removing toxins, accumulations, gas & distention without irritating the colon
  • Reducing Fibromyalgia pain
  • Nourishing your nervous system, blood & muscle
  • Improving Adrenal function
  • Nourishing the bones, nervous system, & reproductive organs
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Eliminating excess mucus
  • Astringent properties
  • Reducing noise and stress-induced conditions
  • Laxative properties
  • Potent healing properties
  • Fighting Scabies
  • Being a great rejuvenator & antioxidant
  • Increasing digestion, assimilation & reducing fat
  • Helping a variety of lung conditions, including bronchitis & asthma
  • Improving digestion
  • Reducing serum cholesterol
  • Improving circulation (potentiates adrenergic function)
  • Contains 31% linoleic acid
  • Exerts a marked cardio-protective effect
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Improves liver function
  • Has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties
  • Expectorant and hypotensive

Triphala Benefits of Each Fruit

Amalaki or Amla (Emblica Officinalis)

  • Is a fruit rich in vitamin C that builds immunity and acts as an effective antioxidant that removes harmful toxins from the body.
  • Amla helps to strengthen and nourish the lungs and the respiratory tract by removing mucus. Vitamin C in Amla helps to maintain good reproductive health in both males and females, regulating menstrual cycles.
  • Amla induces iron absorption, aiding blood circulation and maintaining proper heart function.
  • Its detox function helps in the formation of fresh tissues leading to glowing skin.

Vibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica)

  • Vibhitaki acts as a blood purifier and curbs hemorrhage.
  • It is an internal cleanser that removes harmful toxins and excess fats from the body.
  • Its anti-viral and anti-bacterial abilities nurture voice quality and improve eyesight.
  • Hair roots are strengthened, and it enriches hair color.

Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

  • Haritaki has five tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent.
  • It stimulates the functioning of the digestive system and sensory organs.
  • It is effective in combating piles, anemia, gastrointestinal problems, and gallstones.


Triphala is not recommended for acute diarrhea or during pregnancy. Very underweight individuals should avoid using this product as it may decrease weight.

Some potential Triphala side effects include diarrhea or an increased amount of gastrointestinal gas. In some cases, a person may have difficulty sleeping after taking the medicine. The severity of these side effects depends on the dosage taken.

Triphala has reported health benefits, including improved digestion, increased appetite, and detoxification. Research has shown that it does indeed have health benefits when it comes to detoxification. There is also some evidence that the substance may work as an anti-cancer agent to some extent.